Frequently Asked Questions


Here Are A Few Commonly Asked Questions To Help In The Process of Starting With OT Services

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Do i need a referral from my doctor for OT services?

Yes, in the event that you are seeking insurance reimbursement.  Call your doctor's office and ask that a script be sent over to our office.  Fax or Email are great ways to get this done.  

What does a session typically look like?

Sessions typically run about 50 minutes. Some children with lower tolerance for interaction (such as small children) may be able to handle less time.  Your therapist will make this recommendation at the start of treatment.  

Does insurance cover your services?

Occupational therapy is covered by some insurances, but is dependent upon many variables.  Please call our office to ask particulars about your insurance and how it may cover OT for your child.

Should my child come for session if they have been ill recently?

We kindly ask that if your child has stayed home from school for medical illness, that you re-schedule your appointment for another day.  We want to help avoid spreading germs, as well as for your child to have adequate rest to help them recover more quickly.   

What do we do if school is closed due to weather?

Please call our office.  Many of our clients travel from longer distances, and we want to keep everyone safe.  Typically, it depends on a combination of how bad the roads are, as well as the forecast.   If Kalamazoo and/or Portage Public Schools are closed for the day, please double check by calling the office.   

I am having childcare issues. is it ok to bring siblings to session?

We recognize that siblings are part of the package!  Often times, it is adds to our clinical picture of your child's skills for us to see and interact with them together.  This is usually done once your therapist has gotten to know your child, and can more easily predict their reactions to certain types of experiences.     There are many reasons to include siblings into a session, especially when it adds to the therapeutic value of the session.  We also have many curious sibs, as their brother or sister comes home excited about what they have been working on.  Please discuss this with your therapist so that we can incorporate this into our goals and plans for your child.  

What about extended family and caregivers?

We believe that the time spent with your therapist is only one piece that makes the difference.  The people with whom your child spends the MOST time are the ones that we want to have contact with.  When your child's entire team works with coordinated effort, they tend to move ahead more rapidly.  Coordinated effort means that we all have access to little tips and tricks to help your child stay at their best and to work toward goals.  Your child's therapist is happy to help bring team members on board with OT goals, and we welcome your extended family and caregivers in therapy!  

How Have Things changed since the covid pandemic?

We are taking extra special care in managing our space to minimize the spread of germs. Regular hand washing, disinfecting of toys and equipment between clients, staggering use of spaces, daily monitoring of staff’s health, and wearing masks are just a few of the changes that we have made to combat CoVid. We are also asking that parents and siblings wait in the car, when possible, as our waiting room is on very limited use right now. We look forward to a time when we can all gather together as usual.