The right time, the right approach, the right relationship.  Occupational therapy can change your life. 

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Every child is innately important, with untold talents and natural gifts. That’s where we start. Every child is important, and in therapy, everyone has a job to do…

YOUR JOB is to regularly attend sessions with your child. By showing up each week, you bring a wealth of information to help us move along in the occupational therapy process. Remember…YOU are the expert on your child. You are the one who lives with them, the one who spends the greatest amount of time with them, and the one who knows them inside and out. This intimate knowledge will help us to share a mutual understanding and to gain insight into issues that may be impacting your family.

OUR JOB is to help your child learn to navigate their days and weeks successfully, so that their unique talents may be nurtured and continue to grow. It’s our job to work toward lessening stress on families. We do this by introducing new concepts, sharing different ways of knowing and understanding old problems, and by providing unique strategies and techniques to help families in reaching their goals.

TOGETHER, we take into consideration each child’s “current way of being” in the world, and we work to increase individual strengths. Since 2001, we’ve been using our expertise in child development, sensory processing, regulation, and relationship-building to strengthen families and to improve lives in the Greater Kalamazoo community. We have studied, and utilize, a variety of science-based theories including Greenspan’s DIR approach/Floortime, Ayres Sensory Integration (ASI), The Alert Program for Self-Regulation, The Zones of Regulation, Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI Practitioner) and TheraPlay, just to name a few. We believe in using a combination of theories that will provide an individualized approach toward getting your child’s development on track. We continue to study and add to our understanding of how trauma impacts nervous systems and changes lives, and we honor each individual’s unique stories, strengths, and challenges in our work.

At Arcadia Center for OT, we believe that much work needs to be done in order to dismantle systemic racism. We are actively working to be stronger allies to all people who continue to be impacted by racism and we do work to support change within our community and the world. Please ask us if you are interested in knowing more about our ongoing plans to impact change.


Our Services

We provide therapy services to children ages 2-21. We occasionally work with clients outside of those age ranges, including some adults.  Many families that seek out therapy have formal medical diagnoses, and many do not.  We value each set of symptoms or issues as unique to that person, and use that information to guide treatment.  

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Using A Developmental and Sensorimotor Framework To Plan Intervention

We have extensive training in child development, sensory processing, and relationship-based work with clients.  This combined approach will help to provide a unique type of treatment for your child.   


News and Notes

View posts about important topics and information.  Updated whenever new information is available.  

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Our Practice

Nestled between Westnedge Avenue and Crosstown Parkway just outside of downtown Kalamazoo. Located in an old farmhouse, many clients find this a comfortable alternative to a more formal office setting.


There is no greater feeling than being understood....

— Dr. Stanley Greenspan, Child Psychiatrist/Creator of Floortime and DIR

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